Monday, 10 August 2020

Friendship that become Family!

Who enters in your life by trusting you

Who starts sharing his or her problems by keeping faith in you

Who initiates conversation with you without giving any second thought
Who asks you about your life, problems or simply about your likes /dislikes

Who has the ability to make you laugh as well as console you
Who's suggestions, ideas, can be life saviour to life changing

Who will drink Beer with you in Pain! and some days force you to make a cup of tea

Who will stand by you against the whole world and would fight crazily with you in personal
Who always supports you and also makes you learn from your mistakes

Who accepts you with your madness, the real you
Who takes all your things and pretends as if it's his/her's

Who shares not only food but when in need he/she would also share their favorite clothes, shoes with you

Who enters in your life with just trust, remains forever as a family in your life...  

Monday, 6 July 2020

My Quarantine Days!

I remember arguing with my friend about Corona virus. We had a discussion on "Will Corona Virus enter INDIA?" I replied 'No!! It won't affect India' I believed in a myth "In 36 /37℃ temperature virus would not sustain!

13th March 2020 the whole world paused surprisingly.

City which is popularly known as city of speed, city of dreams, unstoppable! Yes, you guessed correct “Mumbai” also stopped.
Schools, colleges, institutions, shops, courts, everything got shut down. People caged into their houses!
Lockdown 1.0 made everyone explore their own house and made them understand their own people closely.
I saw there were two contrast sides to this situation. First, were people got 3 meals a day! And second, were people struggled to get even 1 meal. Situation worsened for the daily laborer’s who used to work to earn money for a day.
Hospitals, police stations, pharmacies, workers, and so on were serving the whole world during these crucial days. Let’s not forget the one person from every family who always used to risk his/her life and used to bring essentials like groceries, medicines...
Lockdown 2.0 made people realize the importance of things that we took granted till date!
After which we all stood with our family and got to know each other's temperaments, love, care and support also the way we started adjusting our lifestyle, compromising on things, and showing patience!
During lock down Honorable P.M Narendra Modi announced several tasks to bring unity and made us believe that we are not alone. Entire world rejoiced in making the sound of vessels, lightning lamps, candles….  Made us realize the unity of the country! Online classes for students, work from home for all job holders! All started looking forward for their own interest and engaging themselves in productive activities. Some were cooking, painting, vlogging, running online tutorials, online fitness training, participating in different contests, following trends!!  #DalgonaCoffee, #MakeupChallenge #UntilTomorrow, #see10send10, #FirstPicChallenge, and so on. By this time the decision of  exam cancellation was taken. All students were promoted to next year except the final year students!
Lockdown 3.0 begins with a limited number of activities allowed to start their functioning. These include travel by air, rail, metro and interstate movement by road. Special train vehicles were arranged for people to move interstate. Newspapers were at the doorstep! Home delivery was back to routine! Lockdown 3.0 gave relaxation and happiness to all the migrants. But there were many people with void hopes and empty pockets and to help those people Film Actor MR. SONU SOOD served helpless migrants which were stuck in Mumbai by arranging private buses with the help of Maharashtra Government also, he donated over 1,500 PPE kits to doctors in Punjab. He has also been feeding thousands of underprivileged people along with providing meal kits to migrants. He had also provided his hotels in Mumbai as accommodation for front-line healthcare workers. There was a boom in social media with praising notes, some of them made good memes on him. He walked in this situation as a God for many people!
It was considered as ‘Relaxation’ because sell of liquor was allowed with certain conditions in all zones. People started gathering at liquor shops across the country in large numbers! Long queues were seen outside the shops! While all these things, final year students were still hoping to get their exams canceled!
Lockdown 4.0 permitting almost all economic activities and significant public movement in all non-containment zones, Buses and private vehicles can be moved with special conditions. Specific activities such as air travel were prohibited, metro rail services were limited.
The limited long-distance trains for migrants and essentials workers will continue! All social places were still barred. Places of worship still remained closed. By this time people were getting house warm. But Final year students were still waiting for their guidelines, decisions!!

Unlock 1.0~ Mission Begin Again! Where markets/shops were opened, except malls to function from June 8 on odd-even basis.
Honorable P.M Narendra Modi announced “ATMA NIRBHAR '' in his speech he urged people to participate individually to stabilize Indian Economy. His speech left us to think about different ideas to make our own business!
 Now we all are used to this lifestyle. People are now more aware that they are fearless! We can see people roaming with designer masks! Meeting people casual ling. Wedding functions and several other functions are celebrated with a limited number of people. All are used to online classes, meetings, and work!
We are still fighting the battle and waiting to WIN this battle against Corona!

But one thing is still not clear!  “What about final year students?”

Tuesday, 3 March 2020


Mahatma Gandhi famously said, "You must be the change you want to see in the world." 

Everything that is happening will change. Every thoughts, feelings, situations, moments, no matter how painful, stressful and intensive things are. Lets try to appreciate those moments by changing ourselves, accepting it and giving back as if it will never happen to us again!

  • Why not to be scared or be nervous or be confused in a situation? These can be our strength! It pushes us to reach our ultimate goal. Honor these feelings, emotions and be the change to release it!
  • Why can't we perceive problems as next opportunity? It is a chance to know our abilities.
  • Why can't we change ourselves instead of changing other people behavior?  

Change is inevitable, uncontrollable all we can do is live upfront and discover happiness and live in the moment. We need not wait to see what others do! Just do it and appreciate your ability and make evolution in yourself. Choose your own expressions, reactions, emotions, own opinion to contribute into life. Make mistake because human are prone to make them! There is lot to learn from it. Always value your own self and other individual.

Change will let you realize, letting go and forgiving the past, will also teach you to be grateful, peaceful and would spread humanity and service in the world.

Lastly, You yourself choose to grow and evolve happier path to be the change you want to see in the world!


Friendship that become Family!

Friend: Who enters in your life by trusting  you Who starts sharing his or her problems by keeping faith  in you Who initiates   conversatio...